What is Audio Transcription?


With the increasing usage of technology, it is not difficult to find legal transcriber or people who can provide quality Legal Audio transcription Services. You just have to search for Audio transcription services near me or Best audio transcription services in Delhi and you will get scores of results, "Audio transcription services" are in huge demand, especially for people who are fighting legal cases and require audio transcripts or legal transcripts for their audio recordings, even podcast content creators, targetted content for the specially abled and radio shows among many other options. Legal Audio Transcription services is in demand and with hoardes of legal cases pending in India and hours of recordings as evidence, people look for people who can convert their audio calls to text in quick time. Legal transcription is thus in huge demand and there is lack of audio transcribers who can do quality work. All said, the work of transcriber is not easy one as it is being cited as evidence in court of law. Most audio transcription service providers claim only 90% accuracy as apart from hard work what is required is a noise free audio, easy to understand accent, normal speech and a ready available audio file. Without these pre requisites, the job of a transcriber becomes really hard.

Transcription meaning can be stated as the process of transferring speech or audio into scripted dialogue, keeping the exact meaning and descriptions of the original version.

India is a brilliant choice for outsourcing job opportunities owing to the talented pool at a very reasonable rates ;transcription has taken place with the contemporary Content Writing career. This practice has originally remained in the academics and learning systems worldwide. We have seen people taking notes in the doctor's office, in colleges, in courtrooms and the list goes on. Little did we realise this could be a lucrative career option years later - thanks to the Internet revolution! Talking of such organisations, we at www.progressivebureau.com have been providing authentic and quality transcription services for individuals and corporates across the world with the help of the Indian talent pool.

We can broadly analyse Audio Transcription into two categories - Verbatim & Clean Verbatim Transcript.

'Verbatim transcription' refers to documentation in 'word to word' style, which means all speech & utterances are included in the transcript. This practice is hugely applied in scripted media cases where it must adhere to documenting storyline/plots as-is or exact as per the speech.

Whereas 'Clean Verbatim Transcription' targets to filter unwanted or inappropriate words while capturing the speech. This type of Transcription is highly used in public speaking events and interviews.
The other possibilities of transcription include transferring digital speech to a synthesized one, and podcasts are an excellent example. This type is highly useful to specially abled residents. Thus, has further winged to intelligent transcription where the author can capture the tone (high or low) and specific expression of the speech by using special notes. Such transcriptions are a big favorite for speech and interviews

With the progress of new-age tools and artificial intelligence, audio transcription has been significantly accepted and is used on multiple platforms. It has spread its wings into Clinical Psychology, Business Communication, Academia, Advertising, Market Research, and Conferences other than the contemporary existence in legal, podcasts and films.

However, we have also witnessed the massive growth in new-age tools which provide effective audio transcription without human intervention and the corporate houses are highly investing in such apps. It includes MS O365, Webex and much more, which provides life and recorded transcription of the original speech or meeting. Keeping in mind the challenges and emerging competency toward achieving quality data, the Content writers would need to constantly elevate their knowledge and skill to remain in the audio transcription field.